Female Entrepreneurial and Intellectual Community by LPW (Community)

Since 2018 LPW has it's own initiate called as “Female Entrepreneurial and Intellectual Community by LPW” (Community). Community`s co-founders are Olena Lazorenko & Valentina Leghka from the NGO “League of Professional Women”.
The Community vision is the development of entrepreneurial skills of women and propose intellectual patronage for business in Ukraine.
Community`s goal is facilitating the formation of an ecosystem of support women's empowerment and intellectual activities in the country.
Currently, Community is operated as an internal LPW program and funded by LPW membership fees and occasional donations. Now, all LPW`s members and advisers have Community`s membership and take part in internal Facebook group Women Entrepreneurship (WE)\Жіноче Підприємництво (open to joint only for LPW members "in good status").
LPW Community`s Projects \ Activities

2022- ongoing Listserves: BusinessCommunity LPW & SmartCommunity LPW.

2024. Community pilot business service for external customers
Consultation and practical recommendations for participation in international exhibitions and events for business, training and finding grants.
3 consultations were held (by Olena Lazorenko) on the subject of (a) Study Visit for the Textile Sector EU4Business: Connecting Companies (EU4BCC) and (b) offering information on USAID grant contests potentially relevant for clients - for SMEs \ manufacturing companies.
As a result of pilot services: 2 companies received support. See for example, Thank-you posts from ANNABO LLC in Facebook and LinkedIn social networks
2023. Project within the EU4BCC MOBILITY SCHEME program implementation supported by EUROCHEMBERS. As a result, a Memorandum was concluded between the NGO "League of Professional Women" (LPW) (head office in Kyiv, Ukraine) and the UNISCO Local Development Network (UNISCO) (office in Bari, Italy) - June 2023. Participant from the Ukrainian side is Olena Lazorenko. Read more about Memo signed text , at the blog on the website.
Our activities for informational, advisory support of women's business in 2023 are collected in the blog "To the Women's Entrepreneurship Day" - 16-19.11.2023

2022 . LPW announcing the CHANGES in our internal communication in the LPW`s Community network in 2022, which we agreed on at the 2021 Annual Meeting (27.12.21\28.01.22) and at the Board meeting on 4.02.22, namely, the launch of additional e-mailings for the LPW`s Community Business Group and the LPW`s Community Intellectuals Group. There are two additional Listserves: BusCommunity LPW & SmartCommunity LPW.

2021-2022 : LPW joined as lead of delegation to SheTrades Global Dubai. SheTrades Global is the International Trade Centre's (ITC) premier global business event connecting women entrepreneurs with buyers, investors and partners. It is a unique opportunity to do business, get inspired and forge lasting business partnerships.

Our mentors: Olena Lazorenko (project leader), Olena Kudryashova (business), Valentyna Legka (public area), Svitlana Olifira (education), Olga Gomilko (education), Lyudmila Filippovich (science) & mentees 10.03.2019 in Kyiv.
2019- 20 first Community`s grant project was “Women's Mentoring Walk & Talk” ("Walk & Talk") in the framework “The Power of Togetherness under ICSW Local Ukraine”. NGO “League of Professional Women” (LPW) was hosted "Walk & Talk" with the support of the CIVICUS. The goal of the project is to strengthen young women and girls in professional development in the fields of science, education, business or public activity in Ukraine.
An open competition of mentees in Ukraine was conducted based on online questionnaire and interviews. The mentees had an opportunity to choose a mentor (who served pro-bono) from the Community under LPW Network. Our mentees are students, social entrepreneurs, university lectures, young academic. The Walk & Talk was the first informal meeting of all mentors and mentees in Kyiv.The mentorship project of the LPW focuses on the topic of support professional career for women. The LPW is the first NGO in Ukraine that has created a female multy-sectoral mentoring program for mentees who want to grow and develop in one of the four spheres: science, education, business or social activities. Mentors (who work in one of these spheres and are members of the LPW Network) offered their experience and advice to support mentees in their activities within the professional community, becoming a mirror and a role model. During the Walk@ Talk, they discussed their professional challenges, successes and established a mentoring relationship. The second stage of this women mentorship project includes virtual and/or personal mentorship sessions on the conditions of participation of the Community until 1.06.2019 on base of own resources.
2019 ICSW Local Ukraine Ambassador`s Speech of Anatoly Yermolenko, Director of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine https://youtu.be/xcEZbQD0-Kk
2019 ICSW Local Ukraine Ambassador`s Speech of Kateryna Levchenko, Government Commissioner for Gender Equality Policy in Ukraine https://youtu.be/b9h-m44HfO0
2019 ICSW Local Ukraine Project Manager`s Speech of Olena Lazorenko https://youtu.be/e8OTNlCoFys