Short overview of the Ukrainian NGO "League of Professional Women" (LPW) activities in creative economy & сreative society:
Dr. Olena Lazorenko, Ukrainian social researcher and the President of the NGO "League of Professional Women"(LPW) proposed in 2009 an idea of the concept “Creative social action” (CSA). Following you can see examples of the CSAs implementation in Ukrainian context. It tested in 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015 in Kyiv and small towns (in the photos you can see CSA`s field research done in Ukraine) and has positively perceived by Ukrainian and European researchers, culture workers, educators and experts.

“Creative social action” interpreted as access to Culture-Lifelong Learning-Networking with focus on the target group(s) of the event within a specified and limited time. CSA concept distinguishes between three core spheres: culture, including the cultural and creative industries, lifelong learning (with focus on non-formal and informal adult learning) and networking.
CSA tools in promoting the culture and creative industries` products\ services by culture managers, NGOs leaders and educators: a) hiring forms of developing main unifying CSA idea; b) design ations for CSA`s target group; c)select activities with relevant cultural & creative practices \goods; d)select learning & networking tools of CSA by organizers which relevant target group.

Presentation: In 2019, Olena Lazorenko presented “Overview of «Creative Social Actions» method for educators and cultural managers” was selected by European Commission during the EaP Conference on Promoting Common Values through Education and Culture in Tbilisi on 26 June.
Publication: Lazorenko, Olena (2015). Ukrainian Context of the Creative Social Actions. Philosophical Dialogues 2015.Scientific Collection. Philosophy. Culture. Society-K, 2015.-P.255-265.
EU published Brief: 2017 EU-Ukraine EaP Culture Program Brief (EN)

Academic Test: Ukraine- Portuguese joint application for Horizon 2020 (Dr. Olena Lazorenko together with the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (Portugal) received a "Seal of Excellence" e-certificate in 2017 from the European Commission as the institution managing Horizon 2020. The e-certificate concerning 2016 Research Project application with this method).
Field research: “Creative Social Actions” methodology was tested by field research under League of Professional Women`s activities in 2009-15:

2015 Creative Social Action Devoted to Trends in Business and Adult Learning (Kyiv)

This year, the cultural component was introduced by the art exhibition “Veresnevi Dary” in "KalytaArtKlub", training component by the mutual learning seminar focused on business trends and adult education; and networking took place with special exercises, which helped expand the network of contacts of the participants.
The event started with the networking in form of the creative acquaintance, during which participants had the opportunity to learn more about each other; and plan a mutual trip for the Christmas holidays.