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Adult Learning

LPW activities focused on some aspects of development adult education and learning (AEL) policy, research and peer-learning actions in Ukraine.

Partnership on Adult Learning
(UA:Партнерство з навчання дорослих)

The partnership aims to build an environment for creating a lifelong learning system in Ukraine and its integral part - adult education and learning in order to form the necessary knowledge and skills of adults to participate effectively in social, economic, cultural life of society and in society as a whole.


Text Memo for Joind to Partnership (UA Mеморандуму для приєднання до Партнерства), active since 2021.

Application Form (Форма Меморандуму )


2020\21 grant project «Women Learning Need Analysis in Ukraine» funded by CIVICUS Solidarity Fund. Project outcome was online and print publication in Ukrainian with Executive summary in English. The title of the brochure in English translation:

The Women`s Learning Needs in Ukraine: analytic research report / Lazorenko O.O., Chala N.D., Gomilko O.E., Kozhyna A.V. Kyiv: Stilos Publishing House, 2021. 104 p. (in Ukrainian). Online Analytical report  in Ukrainian here. The Analytical report has an Executive summary in English online.  

2019  Olena Lazorenko served as 2019 Research Scholar in the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), Germany . Research on "Improving Adult Learning and Education Policy: Ukraine in European Context" during UIL Scholarship 

UA: Навчальні потреби жінок в Україні: аналітичний звіт дослідження. Брошура/ Лазоренко О.О., Чала Н.Д., Гомілко О.Є., Кожина А.В.  Київ: Видавництво «Стилос», 2021.104 с. (13 д.а.) -65 прим. ISBN: 978-966-2399-65-3    

2018-2019  grant project “What Should Be the Adult Learning Policy in Ukraine?” funded by EU & the International Renaissance Foundation within the framework of the Civic Synergy Project. Overview of these activities presented in the article:

Lazorenko, O. (2020). Civil Society as Driver in Democracy Discourse of Adult Learning Policy in Ukraine. Filosofska Dumka, (5), pp. 41–59   

2019 Olena Lazorenko, Rodion Kolishko. Brief Policy Research Report "What Should Be the Adult Learning Policy in Ukraine?" (in English), 2019

Our 2018-year activities of the Partnership on Adult Learning (NGOs under the auspices Ukrainian side of the EU-Ukraine Civil Society Platform (lead by League of Professional Women) multi-stakeholder initiative were approved as "Good Practice on SDGs" by UN DESA in 2019\20 years.

It's called "National Advocacy in Promoting Adult Learning Policy in Ukraine". See:  by link:

Actions on AEL in Ukraine

Worshop on Adult Learning Policy and SDGs in Ukraine . Kyiv,  24.09.2018

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2021 Online presentation and peer-learning workshop on "Women`s learning needs"

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